Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Week November 3 Blog "A Thunderous Whisper"

November 5, 2014
"A Thunderous Whisper" by Christina Diaz Gonzalez
Pages Read 40-102

Prompt:  Draw 4 objects that represent your reading. Write a sentence for each, telling
what each item says about what you’ve been reading.


       My 4 objects I picked to represent my reading is guns, an oak tree, sardines, and letters. I chose guns because this book takes place in the civil war. Guns represent the civil war because many guns, bombs, and machine guns were used in the civil war. The two main characters which is Mathias, and Ani, they find out that Mathias' dad is working in the civil war to stop Hitler and the Nazi Germans. When they found out  his father was not so happy with them knowing. Then his companions helping him decided that they Ani, and Mathias should help. At first Ani, was not so sure about this, but Mathias on the contrary was excited about this. As it turns out Ani is officially convinced and is happy. She is as excited as Mathias is.

        I picked an oak tree to represent my reading because Ani, one of the main characters loves visiting her oak tree in her town. She has been going there since she was a little girl. She goes there every day on her free time to rest and think peacefully. This is also when she first met Mathias. Before she met Mathias she was very shy, and did not have much friends. Lately she has not been going to the oak tree so often because she is too busy delivering the letter and sardines, as she promised Mathias and Mathias' dad.  This introduces my 3rd object to represent my reading as the letters. In order to help out Mathias' dad decided that with their help and them delivering letter to Mathias' dad's companions would help them plan out what to do next without anyone finding out. Mathias and Ani had to deliver the letters every Monday and Friday.

        My 4th object I picked was sardines because this is what Ani's mother sells, to be able to keep them living. Also now that Ani and Mathias deliver the letters, they are paying her to sell sardines to the "costumers". Mathias' father agreed that if she delivered the letters, they had to come up with something, so they decided that pretending to sell them sardines was the best way to hide the truth that they are delivering letters.  Ani told her mother that she had costumers that are going to be buying her sardines, this way her mother would let her. As Mathias' father agreed to this, he also agreed that they would also be paying Ani a little extra money, to help her and her mother buy food for Ani and her.


1 comment:

  1. Great job, explaining your objects! Please make sure that you go back through your writing to capitalize proper nouns and double check your grammar.
