Friday, February 26, 2016

Holocaust A.O.W Impressions Blog

                 I was able to learn a plethora amount of new things about the Holocuast by participating with the gallery walk. A really surprising fact that I learned from a couple of the articles was that a lot of the people who used to help the Nazis are still being found today. I find that very surprising because it's been a long time since the Holocaust had passed. Another interesting thing that I learned was how Htiler came into power and how he gained so much control. I kind of understand why Hitler came into power but I'm still a little surprised at how much power and control he was able to gain. A third thing that I learned from the gallery walk would be how Holocuast survivors that are still alive today are demanding that the Syrian refugees get the help they need.

                Many articles that were summarized to me in the gallery walk talked about Nazis still being found today. One of the articles was about a former S.S guard that was convicted of 300,000 assistant murders. This was one of the recent articles, and it explains how the former S.S guard didn't know what job was he doing when he got sent to a camp. It says that once he got to Auschwitz, which is the camp that he guarded, that he didn't want to work there but he had no choice. The other article was about the Holocuast survivors wanting to help the Syrain refugee. This article explains to us how the Holocuast survivors are feeling sympathetic towards the Syrian refugees because they believe that they went through something very similar. The Holocuast survivors don't want the Syrain refugees to go through what they went through because they know how terrible it can get. That is why the holocaust survivors are demanding Isreal that they help the Syrain refugees in any way they can.

              Another article that I was introduced to in the gallery walk focused on how Hitler was able to come to power and take control. The article talked about the Great Depression during the World War 2 and how Germany was in desperate need for help. This was a reason why Htiler was able to come into power because Hitler had promised to make Germnay great again and the Germans believed him because they were in need of help immediatly. Also the article explained how Hitler had a group called the 'National Socialist German Workers Party' and this group helped give Hitler followers and power. Everyone supported Hitler, and his group the 'Nazis', which is why the people of Germany let Hitler come into power. The president of Germany at the time made Hitler his chancellor, so once he died, Hitler came into full power. Hitler was also a powerful speaker which is why people listened to him and supported him.

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