Friday, March 4, 2016

Life is Beautiful V. Night Blog

Some similarities that Life is Beautiful and the book Night have is that they are both based on the Holocuast. Another connection that can be made from both the movie and the reading is that they both had a scene in which their families were separated. In Night, when Elie and his family arrived at the concentration camp, his mother and sister were separated from him and his father. In Life is Beautiful, when Guido and his family arrived, he was with his son but he was separated from his beloved wife. Another similarity between the movie and the book would be how they both showed the hard work that the concentration camps made the Jewish prisoners do.  In Life is Beautiful, they showed the hard work that they had to do by showing Guido struggling with carrying a very heavy piece of metal. Guido kept complaining about how he was about to give up with all the work they had to do throughout the movie. Another example of this would be when they showed someone bleeding from his arm as if he had cut his arm. This also shows the hard and dangerous work that they had to do. In Night, they made Elie Wiesel and his father walk in dangerous conditions. This was the time that Elie's father felt like giving up and wanting to let himself die.

Some differences that Life is Beautiful and the book Night have would be thier begginings. In Life is Beautiful, the begging focuses on the romance between Dora and Guido. It then focuses on thier family and how they are living thier lives happily and peacefully. In the movie, there was this one scene in which Guido was taking his wife to work, and they took their bicycle along with Joshua and they looked very joyful and happy as they rode along the path to Dora's work place. Guido never stopped loving his family, as he was in the concentration camp, and he sacrificed himself to be able to save his wife and son. The beggining of the movie was very peaceful and happy, but then as they got to the concentration camp, the mood started to change a little. In the beggining of Night, they mostly focused on how much Elie Weisel was interested in his religion. It showed us how he wanted to take his religion seriously and learn a lot more about his religion. Then, as he arrived at the concentration camp, he started doubting God and didn't believe in him as much as he used to.

There is a big difference with the mood and tone in the movie Life is Beautiful and in the book Night. Night has more of a very serious, dark, and depressing mood, which is almost the opposite of the tone and mood of Life is Beuatiful. Throughout the movie, Life is Beautiful, you see a lot of moments and scenes of humor. Guido pretends to be happy and courageous in the concentration camp and puts on those little moments of humor for his son. There was only scenes of humor throughout the entire beggining of the movie. Night, on the other hand, gave you a very depressing mood throughout the entire book. Elie was always serious when he was in the concentration camps. He only talked about the horrible things that were happening to him and other people in the contraction camp. This of course would make the mood and tone through the book depressing. As we can see, there is a difference between the mood in the movie and the reading.

Life is shown as Beuatiful throughout the movie in many different scene of the movie. There are many elements in life that can make life beautiful, and most of these elements were shown throughout the move. The first element that shows Life is beautiful would be romance and love. Throughout the beggining, the movie focuses on how Guido was trying to get Dora to like him. There was many scenes in the beggining of the movie that showed the romance and chemistry between Guido and Dora. Another element that shows life is beautiful in the movie would be the humor and the joyfullness of life. Guido was always joyful and confident throughout the movie. He showed us how good life was to enjoy in the beggining of the movie with his family. A third emelement that shows how life is beautiful throughout the film would be family. In the movie, Guido shows how much he loves his family and how he would do anything to keep his family. In the concentration camp, Guido did anything possible to be able to keep his son and wife full or hope and happiness. The movie shows us how much Guido appreciates his life along with his wife and son.

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