Thursday, December 18, 2014

"The Familiars" Blog for Week December 15

The Familiars
Pages Read: 100-160

Prompt:   Describe the most important event. Give at least three reasons why you think it
is the most important event. Warning: Spoiler

Prompt 2: What surprises you in this story? Explain why.

Prompt 3: What ideas do you have about what is going to happen? What clues have you
read to give you those ideas?

             I believe that the most important event that happened in my book was that the Queen of the kingdom that they were in, captured them, and tried to kill them. The three familiars, (Aldwyn the cat, Skylar the blue jay, and Gilbert the frog) are left on there own and they have to rescue their owners. This is also important because Skylar wants Aldwyn to help him by using his "telekinesis", but he does not have any. Another reason why this is important is because it is their first mission and they have to learn how to survive on their own. Although Aldwyn already knows how to survive on his own, because he is not a familiar, rather a street cat. They have 3 days to rescue them, because of a guarding spell that Kalstaff put on the three owners. 

             I got very surprised when I found out that Queen Loranella was evil, and she wanted to kill the three kids (Jack, Marianna, and Dalton). Loranella was told to be nice, sweet, and caring, but I guess it was all a lie. The author states "Loranella," he said with a note of relief in his voice." So she would have had to be a great queen or Kalstaff would not be in relief, rather in fear. She was just being selfish and she wants the thrown all to herself. When she saw the future, that the three kids would out rule her and become very powerful masters, she planned a surprise to kill and capture the kids. The author stated "Aldwyn didn't want to believe his ears, and from the look on Kalstaff's face, neither did the old wizard." Therefore this was a total surprise and they were not expecting this from their "great" queen. 

             I believe that Aldwyn is actually a familiar and he has powers, but he doesn't know it yet. I got clued into this when the author said " this shop filled with countless amazing animals, one more magical than the next-really picked him as his familiar?" I think the author was trying to clue me on that is was more than just a coincidence, but more like fate. The author also stated "So you are Kalstaff's three pupils," said the queen. "World in Vastia's wizarding circles is that great things lie in your futures." I thought the author was trying to say that they are super powerful and that they will experience great and powerful experiences in the future. Therefore all this evidence lead me to believe that Aldwyn does have powers after all but he has not discovered them. 

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