Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Weekly Blog for 2-16-15

Call Me Maria
Pages Read: 30-80

Prompt: Pretend you are the friend of one of the characters. Write him or her a letter.

       Dear Maria, 

                    I understand what you have been going through, and I know it is not easy. I am very glad that I met you and that we became really good friends. I understand that you came to the U.S.A with your father, and left your mom in Puerto Rico. I know how much you probably miss her. I know it is hard getting to know people and learning english when you come to the U.S.A. I am glad that you have made some best friends and some friends. 

         I am very happy to know that you have not forgotten about your mother, and that you have been sending her letters daily. How I your dad doing? I think it is very cool that you have memorized all of your dad's favorite foods. Remember that time we went to see American Beauty, and then we went to the store. Well remember that in one of the stores they thought you were stealing! I could still remember the look on the guy's face. He thought he was so sure that you were stealing even when you weren't.

         Is it true that you have some feelings for Ricky? I saw you two and it kind of looked like you were into him. I just hate how he keeps breaking Uma's heart. I wish he would just tell her that he doesn't have any feelings for her. Then maybe Uma will try to move on. Anyways, I really think that you could be a poet someday. Your poems are very creative, and you put a lot of thought into your poems. I think it is wonderful that you keep writing poems for the fun of it. 



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